
Jen on the Issues

For two years, Joe Biden’s and Congressional Democrats’ big-government agenda, trillion dollar spending policies, and refusal to prioritize our economic recovery caused historic price increases that taxpayers are still struggling to keep up with.

For Virginians, this means paying more for gas, groceries, meals, cars, houses, and everything in between. High cost of living continues to eliminate wage increases for Americans (including active duty military) who are struggling to make ends meet in Joe Biden’s economy. In southeast Virginia and across the country, Americans are watching their debts grow and their savings shrink. Small businesses have also suffered greatly since the pandemic as owners continue to worry about the state of our economy.

In Congress, Jen prioritizes cutting inflation and lowering the cost of living for a more secure economy for the American people. She successfully fought to reduce federal spending by helping to pass Washington’s first meaningful spending cuts in years. She’s also fought to pass legislation to protect working families and small businesses from government overreach, reduce Executive branch overspending, and bring much needed oversight to federal agencies.

Jen focuses on pro-growth policies that empower small businesses to do what they do best: create jobs and grow our economy. She fights to help industries critical to Virginia’s economic success hire new workers, reduce Washington’s regulatory burden, and keep government out of businesses’ day-to-day operations.

Jen also knows how important it is to keep taxes low for working families, which is why she fought to expand the Child Tax Credit. In Washington, she’s worked hard to pass legislation that reverses the damages of wasteful government spending while fully funding and protecting important priorities like veterans’ benefits, the U.S. military, and Social Security & Medicare.

Jen believes in fiscal responsibility. She was taught by her parents to pay her bills on time and not spend more than she had in the bank. She knows her children and grandchildren will be responsible for the reckless spending of the current Administration. She is opposed to the seemingly endless spending of trillions of dollars by the Democrats without consideration of the national debt or the taxpayers who foot the bill. In Washington, she’s worked hard to pass legislation that reverses the damages of wasteful government spending while fully funding important priorities like veterans’ benefits, the U.S. military, and Social Security & Medicare.

The Biden Administration’s reckless, open-border policies have led our great nation into a dire national security and humanitarian crisis that has touched every community in our country. Jen wasted no time getting to work to solve Biden’s border crisis, visiting the southwest border herself and proudly voting for the strongest border security package to ever pass the House during her first six months in office. This legislation – which has been sitting in the Democrat-controlled Senate since May of 2023 – would ensure that federal immigration officials have the training and resources they need to stop the influx of illegal immigration, drugs, and crime that are pouring across our southern border and into the United States.

To effectively combat the border crisis and keep our nation safe, Jen supports strict enforcement of existing federal immigration laws and holding the Biden Administration accountable for their failure to take meaningful action to fix this self-inflicted crisis. She has also supported legislation to fight fentanyl trafficking and prevent the Biden Administration from using National Parks to house illegal immigrants.

A secure border is a more secure Virginia and a more secure America.

Jen knows our courageous first responders who put their lives on the line every day to keep our communities safe deserve our respect and support. In the State Senate, Jen fought tirelessly for police officers, firefighters, emergency responders, and correctional officers to ensure they are fully funded, well-trained, and equipped with the best possible technology and tools necessary to stop crime, provide care, and keep Virginia Beach safe.

As a mom, Jen has seen the Democrats’ anti-police agenda endanger our communities and jeopardize an already demoralized workforce. She has spoken out against harmful efforts to defund the police, take tactical resources away from law enforcement, and limit their ability to productively do their job. In Congress, Jen joined fellow lawmakers to show support for law enforcement, reject efforts to defund the police, and ensure that Virginians working in and visiting our nation’s capital are not victims of Washington Democrats’ soft on crime policies. She has also supported expanding federal enforcement of organized retail crime penalties.

Jen will continue to fight Democrats’ efforts to defund or abolish police departments. She will never support legislation that weakens law enforcement in Virginia or makes it harder for our police officers to do their job. Jen maintains an open line of communication with first responders and community leaders across Coastal Virginia to facilitate conversations on how best to work together to protect our citizens and promote safety among our communities.

Jen served for ten years in the U.S. Navy, completing two deployments to the Persian Gulf as an H-46 and H-3 helicopter pilot. Jen’s father also served as a Green Beret in the Army during the Vietnam War and her husband is a retired U.S. Navy F/A-18 pilot. As a veteran with a long family history of military service, she knows the importance of a well-funded military and strong national defense to the security of America.

Since day one in office, Jen has been a tireless advocate for the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families. In just over a year, Jen has successfully fought for funding to support infrastructure repair and improvements at military installations in Hampton Roads – including the construction of new childcare facilities, introduced legislation to ensure U.S. troops are paid in the event of a government shutdown, and passed a transformational defense bill which includes record investments in servicemember quality of life, including her bipartisan legislation to improve mental healthcare availability and resources to U.S. Sailors.

Jen has also supported legislation that refocuses the Department of Defense’s priorities on warfighting capabilities and deterrence, which are core components of her belief that global peace can only be achieved through American strength. She continues to ensure American military forces are equipped with the technology and training needed to combat the growing and complex national security challenges around the world. She remains committed to holding the Biden Administration and Democrats in Washington accountable for their failures to deter global threats like China, Russia, and Iran.

As a 10-year Navy veteran, daughter of a veteran, wife of a veteran, and mother to future veterans, Jen knows how important it is for our nation to honor its promises to our veterans, which is why she successfully fought to fully fund the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and provide them with their largest-ever budget during her first term in Congress. She also knows the unique challenges veterans face with employment, education, and healthcare. Jen’s passion for improving the lives of former servicemembers is no secret; during her first month in office, she was selected to Chair the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, where she works every day to ensure the VA is providing America’s heroes with a system they can rely on for the benefits and quality care they’ve earned.

As a State Senator, Jen was the proud patron of a bill – which was signed into law – to create a “Military Spouse Liaison” position within the Virginia Department of Veteran Services. She has been a strong voice for finding innovative ways to encourage veterans to stay in Virginia after their time in the service has ended, including reducing taxes on military retirement pay, offering workforce opportunities that translate from military service, and easing the certification process for veterans and their spouses to allow them to enter the local workforce easier.

In Washington, Jen is a staunch advocate for the health and wellbeing of America’s veterans. During her first term, Jen introduced legislation to modernize the VA, support service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, and improve post-service education and employment opportunities for members of our Armed Forces. Her first standalone bill to pass the House – the Caregiver Outreach and Program Enhancement (COPE) Act – would provide increased mental health resources to veterans’ caregivers and improve safety at VA medical facilities, ensuring that America’s veterans are properly cared for and feel safe when they access the benefits they earned.

As a mom of four, Jen prioritizes the safety and security of our students. Every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, deserves a high-quality education. In Congress, Jen prioritizes making students the focus of our education system and equipping our teachers with the tools and resources they need in the classroom to improve outcomes for America’s next generation. Additionally, she also understands the importance of keeping big government out of the classroom and empowering teachers and parents to determine the most effective way to teach our children. Jen stands against policies that divide our children – like Critical Race Theory – which segregates students into groups based on race and skin color, making unity impossible. She has been a staunch advocate for school choice and prioritizes teaching our children “how to think” and not “what to think” in addition to focusing on basic education components of reading, writing, math, and life skills. She also voted for the Parents Bill of Rights to ensure the rights of parents are honored in our public schools.

As a Primary Care Adult-Geriatric Nurse Practitioner, healthcare affordability and accessibility are some of Jen’s top priorities in Congress. She believes all people should have the opportunity to receive quality primary care to maintain good physical and mental health. Patients who are engaged in their primary healthcare live well, suffer fewer chronic conditions, and save on overall healthcare costs. In Washington, Jen’s fought to expand medicare coverage and improve access to virtual healthcare.

With her experience in long term care, home healthcare, nursing home care, and hospice care, Jen recognizes the need for comprehensive care for our older adult population. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jen advocated for improved staffing at care facilities and preventing isolation with patients and caregivers. In Congress, she’s supported legislation to provide families caring for a loved one with much-needed tax relief and prevent healthcare discrimination against those with chronic conditions and disabilities.

The pandemic also strengthened Jen’s passion for mental healthcare. She brought that passion to Congress during her first term, introducing bills to provide health providers with critical mental healthcare resources, reauthorize funding for youth substance abuse treatment programs and increase mental health services available to Medicare patients.

Jen has an intricate knowledge of the challenges facing American healthcare workers. During her first term, Jen was named as a Vice Chair of the Congressional Nursing Caucus, where she’s worked with her fellow caucus leaders on both sides of the aisle to address healthcare staffing shortages and allow qualified healthcare professionals to practice to the full extent of their training. She consistently uses her voice as a Member of Congress and background as a healthcare provider to raise awareness of healthcare providers’ needs. Ensuring these needs are adequately addressed is an essential part of providing comprehensive and quality care for people of all ages.

In Congress, Jen is a fierce advocate for seniors and fights to protect and preserve Medicare and Social Security. You can count on Jen to ensure that those who are receiving or near to receiving benefits will not have them touched. She knows that many older Americans live on fixed incomes and rely on these programs, which is why she immediately supported legislation to protect both Social Security and Medicare from being used to finance Democrats’ out of touch policies. She opposes Medicare for All, which would ruin seniors’ healthcare. Coastal Virginians who rely on these programs can rest assured that Jen is their biggest champion in Washington.

Jen will continue to lead the fight for election reforms in Congress by fighting to stop voting irregularities, maintain a photo ID requirement, prevent ballot harvesting, and ensure all state election officials — not just in battleground states — can keep our process secure and transparent.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Xi Jinping are committing mass genocide, silencing freedom, stealing American jobs and intellectual property, buying up American land, and lying about the origins of a global pandemic that led to the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Jen knows we cannot trust China or any politician that puts the interests of the CCP ahead of the American people.

Jen fights for policies that hold the CCP accountable. She supports legislation to impose sanctions against the Chinese government for their responsibility in the fentanyl crisis and prevent the sale of the United States’ Strategic Petroleum Reserve to CCP-controlled entities. Additionally, the fiscal year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act – which Jen worked on as a member of the Armed Services Committee – ensures that our military has adequate resources to deter the growing threats in the South China Sea.

Jen prioritizes protecting American jobs and intellectual property from being stolen by the CCP. This ensures China never dictates America’s future and we remain a leader on the world stage. She believes America must be much less dependent on China for the manufacturing of our goods, medications, and technology.

Jen believes we should approach this issue with compassion, common sense, and consensus. While extreme politicians have overly politicized this issue, she believes abortion laws should be determined at the state level, but is firmly opposed to radical state policies which would allow abortions up to the moment of birth. Jen has consistently advocated for women to choose life, but respects exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother.

In Congress, Jen has supported legislation to help prevent premature births, provide adoption information to people about federally funded family planning programs, and protect born-alive abortion survivors. For women, Jen has supported expanding access to birth control and contraception (including eliminating co-pays), as well as protecting Americans’ access to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Furthermore, as a nurse practitioner, Jen will ensure that mothers have access to the highest quality of care and the resources they need for the best health outcomes possible.

Jen is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment who never compromises our right to bear arms. In Congress, Jen stands up for our Second Amendment rights and supports policies that make it easier for law-abiding Virginians to protect themselves and their families while getting guns out of the hands of criminals.

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